EDM 310 Class Blog

Sunday, February 9, 2014

C4T summaries

In EDM310 I was assigned a general studies teacher named Silvia Tolisano. The title of her blog and website is “Langwitches”. She updates this page on a very regular basis. From the page you can tell she really enjoys all aspects in the blogging world. The first post I commented on was titled “Blogging Beyond One Classroom” from the name I’m sure you can guess it was mostly about kids that blog in middle school and preparing them for the high school world. What made this post most interesting were the many parts and differences from middle school to high school. The most common problem the middle school children are having most trouble with include posting illustrations. This blog post kept my attention the whole time and left me wanting to know more about the always changing blogging process.

"Collecting Quotes for Future Blog Post's," in this post Mrs. Tolisano is giving a brief tutorial on how to save quotes to use for not only future blog posts, but they can also be used for other forms of writing. This is a very interesting blog post and will be very help to me and I am sure many other people who run across this post. ONe of the sources she uses is CoCmment in Google Notebook.

Teacher Tom

I was assigned the teacher Tom Hobson. Mr. Hobson is more commonly know as Teacher Tom. He is a preschool teacher. In his latest blog post he covers the importance of students being independent and not relying on their parents or teachers to do everything for them. One example he gives is when his preschoolers come in and their parents are holding their lunch boxes instead of them doing it for themselves. In many different ways Mr. Hobson points out the importance of responsibility for young children. He states this is also a priority in teenagers lives as he is a father to a teen. He claims, "the more rights she assumes, the more responsibly she behaves."

"This Is Child Abuse," was the next very interesting post I read by Teacher Tom. This post is mainly about the many standardized tests that are required for preschoolers to take. Yes, standardized tests for a 5 year old. Clearly, in this post Mr. Hobson is not happy with these required tests. He gives many links to examples of other schools around the nation with these same requirements. He is not the only person so outraged about this topic. Many parents are petitioning to start their own kindergarten in that area for the 15-16 school year. This seems to be a very hot topic around Woodland Park, and only seems to be growing.

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